We’ve seen previously how to view the properties of a user account in active directory, this time we’re going to take a look at viewing the properties of a user in Office 365.
The GUI account properties screen of a user account in office 365 is quite limited, by using the below Powershell commands you’ll be able to view a lot more.
Connect to Offer 365 and Create a Session
You need to connect to Office 365 and start a session before you can start interacting with the environment using Powershell. Here is the code to start the session, you will be prompted for your admin account details.
Open up Powershell ISE and run the below command:
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/ -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Once you have finished doing what you need to do, make sure you always end your session by running the below Powershell command:
Remove-PSSession $Session
Return All Account Details
Lets now run the below command to retrieve the account details of a specified user.
GET-MSOLUSER -userprincipalname "Account name" | SELECT *
As the user principal name is unique on each account, it makes it a good field to search by. You will then seen the properties of the account displayed, similar to below:
Return Specific Details
The below code is exactly like the above command, but it specifies an exact field to display. So if you know what you are looking for you don’t have to trawl through all the properties.
GET-MSOLUSER -userprincipalname "Account name" | SELECT DisplayName
This will just return the display name of the account and nothing more